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Progress in Personalised Medicine
16 mei 2019 @ 11:00 - 17:00
Developing a novel biopharmaceutical, from bench to production
May 16, 11.00-17.00 hr
Brightlands Chemelot Campus, Geleen (NL)
Registration (mandatory) below
A major challenge in the development of biopharmaceuticals is achieving clinical grade products for clinical evaluation. Under the framework of the Interreg V Netherlands and Flanders -project SkiN-HUID, Basic Pharma and MosaMedix, Universities of Maastricht, Antwerp and the Flemish Institute for Biotechnology (VIB) at the KU Leuven joined forces.
SKiN-HUID develops a novel treatment of skin cancer that combines administration of a biopharmaceutical medicine targeting cancer cells and application of electrical and hyperthermal stimulation of the cancer that enhances the efficacy of the biopharmaceutical medicine.
Within SKiN-HUID the consortium aims to overcome the major hurdle of bringing a novel biopharmaceutical product to the clinic: the GMP-production of clinical grade biopharmaceutical medicine for the first phase of clinical studies. Basic Pharma set up a novel pilot plant for the GMP-production of biopharmaceutical medicines. This facility forms an essential part of the value chain linking preclinical and clinical evaluation of the efficacy of biopharmaceutical medicines.
Collaboration between University and Industry is paramount in mastering this challenge. We cordially invite you to discuss with us the future in biopharmaceutical production and collaboration opportunities
- 11.30 Welcome. LifetecZONe
- 11.40 Cross-Border collaboration. Joost Van den Akker, Province of Limburg (NL)
- 12.00 SkiN-HUID, a euregional collaboration between Industry and Universities to improve the treatment of skin cancer. Chris Reutelingsperger, Maastricht University
- 12.20 Melanoma Patient-Derived Tumor Xenograft in mice as preclinical models to understand carcinogenesis and to predict efficacy of novel anticancer drugs. Michael Dewaele, VIB Center for Cancer Biology KULeuven
- 12.45 Networking Lunch: Discover expertise and facilities at Netherlands-Flanders knowledge institutes.
- 14.00 The role of pathology in translating experimental treatments from the preclinic to clinical application. Jean Paul Bogers, University of Antwerp
- 14.20 GMP-production of biologicals for the first-in-man clinical study. Ralph Bosmans, Basic Pharma
- 14.45 Brightlands, a knowledge and technology hub to facilitate collaboration between Industry and University. Bert Kip, Brightlands Chemelot Campus
- 15.10 SME pitches: Novel technologies in personalised medicine
- Matisse Pharmaceuticals BV- Geleen- Peter Ekhart
- Noviocell BV – Pivot Park Oss – Juliette van den Dolder
- And more…
- 15.45 Networking
- 17.00 Closing
Access to the event is free of charge, but registration is mandatory due to Chemelot security regulations. Your name, email and affiliation will be shared with the Brightlands Chemelot Campus as this is required to gain access to the site.